domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

A perfect day!

Today was a perfect day.

I'm doing my homeworks, and I'm very good with the timming. So this is the first week that I have my animation pretty good. I'm happy with the progress.

So I decide give to me the day off. But this afternoon, I opened the file and I started to fix some stuff and touch thing just for plesure, without any presion for the time.

I finish my animation yet and I was doing just the polish. Was great, I realise that I was "playing" like a kid. Any way, I think it's quite difficult to explain, also, more difficult explain it in English... hehehe

But I hope you understand more or less :)
(Btw, I didn't do the render yet. Those images are just for fun)

2 comentarios:

Jordi dijo...

Te está quedando muy bien, no me refiero al render sino a la animación. El render también delux :)

Albert dijo...

Gracias company! De la animación estoy bastante contento y del render aun me falta marcar contornos para que se vea bien la silueta del personaje, pero quedará muy chulo! :)